
HHS/OPA Replicating effective programs to prevent teen pregnancy
UT Teen Health partners with community youth serving organizations to implement adolescent wellness and healthy relationship programs in South Texas.
Partners in this initiative implement programs in middle schools, high schools, after school programs, faith-based organizations, and in community settings with especially vulnerable youth including expectant and parenting teens, youth in juvenile detention, and youth in foster care.
Capacity building to strengthen youth-serving organizations
UT Teen Health provides capacity building assistance (CBA) to organizations that implement programs for youth on a variety of topics. These include:
- Training on the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
- Trauma-Informed Practices
- Motivational Interviewing
- CRI Training (Community Resilience Initiative)
UT Teen Health brings training, technical assistance, and support to many organizations to enable them to better implement programs for the youth they serve.
Supporting foster care and systems-involved youth to prevent teen pregnancy
UT Teen Health was awarded a federal grant from the Office of Adolescent Health that focused on innovative strategies to promote healthy relationships for systems-involved youth ages 10-15. As a result, Need to Know-Youth (N2K-Y) was created. The curriculum is trauma-informed to ensure that youth are in a safe and supportive environment as they discuss topics such as values, letting go of baggage and focusing on the future, abstinence and contraception, STDs, risky behaviors and the law, recognizing abusive relationships and characteristics of healthy relationships. In addition, there is a presentation for caregivers of youth (N2K-C) to assist with communication and bolster the role of a trusted adult in their lives.
HHS/ACYF Sexual risk avoidance program
The sexual risk avoidance education project partners with schools and community agencies to deliver relationships curricula that is medically accurate and age appropriate, promotes positive youth development, and teaches risk avoidance skills for middle and high school aged youth. In addition, this project builds community linkages and support for youth by working with a parent advisory board and youth leadership council.
Project Y.E.S. (Youth Empowerment and Support)
Project YES is a partnership with the San Antonio Metro Health Department and Stony Brook University to provide evidence-based, online modules for adolescents that may be suffering from anxiety and stress. The program has been shown to decrease these symptoms by 50% for 9 months. It is available in English and Spanish.