Teens in action

Teens play a critical role in our program efforts to reduce teen pregnancy rates. Currently, the UT Teen Health Youth Leadership Council (YLC) is actively engaged in their communities as advocates for healthy sexual choices. YLC members have created media, participated in leadership development, gained the skills and education needed to make healthy decisions now and for their futures.

The YLC is made up of high school students from all over Bexar County that serve as youth advisors to the UT Teen Health initiative at UT Health San Antonio. We promote positive youth development and teen pregnancy prevention through education and awareness.

Students in high school or entering high school can apply for membership on the Youth Leadership Council using this link: https://form.jotform.com/230815856619162

The application submission deadline is Friday, July 5, 2024.

4 teenagers who are apart of the YLC (decorative)

In the community

The Youth Leadership Council is active in the San Antonio community! From representing UT Teen Health at health fairs and speaking at events, to volunteering at the food pantry or basura bash, our teens give back in a big way. The YLC also has plenty of learning and leadership opportunities each year. For more pictures of the Youth Leadership Council in action, follow us on social media #utteenhealth:

If you have any questions, please contact us at utteenhealth@uthscsa.edu

“In the YLC, I have learned that there are many ways to prevent teen pregnancy in our communities, and how we can help.”

Lorena, YLC member